Local Delivery - Same Day

Local Delivery minimum order: $40

Local Delivery Fee: $8

-closed all holidays

After placing your online order, you will receive a confirmation email/text that your order has been successfully submitted.

All orders placed before 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday,  will be available for same-day, local, delivery between the hours of 5pm and 7pm. 

All orders placed after 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday, will be processed and available for local delivery on our next business day.

Local delivery is not available on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays. 

For the best results, please place your orders early to avoid running out of items.

We appreciate you for supporting us and our business.

Thank you.

-please TEXT any drop off request (e.g., location: front door, hand it to me..etc.) to: 


Orders will be delivered between 5-7pm.